Filed under CALL

Peran Baru

Peran Baru

Alhamdulillah dapat peran baru untuk melakukan tugas yg baru. Mudah-mudahan bermanfaat untuk seluruh dunia. (With great power comes great responsibility) – Peter Parker (New Challege)

GloCALL 2008

Attending and Presenting at GloCALL International conference which were held 2 days in Jakarta and two days in Yogyakarta, was really interesting experience for me. What makes me feel very much motivated is that I were able to share my ideas not only to indonesians but also to other participants from other countries. There were … Continue reading

Using Computer for Language Teachers

Syaifudin,Mokhamad. (2008). Using computers for language teachers. Keynote speech at the Communicative English Language Teacher Training during the period of 2008-2009 in IAIN Mataram, IAIN Surabaya, and STAIN Watampone organised by AusAid-LAPIS-ELTIS, Indonesia. (PowerPoint Slides) —————————————————————- In these presentation, I discuss mainly the use of computers for language teachers. Firstly, I talk about the common … Continue reading